If you are a business person looking to generate new business for your company the most important thing you should do is get on Jigsaw and start collecting people’s information that matters most to your business.
I’ve been a Jigsaw Rainmaker for a number of years now and I can say that this service has helped me close more business than any other service, not to mention it’s free if you don’t mind doing a little leg work yourself.
For those of you who are new to Jigsaw (which is owned by Salesforce.com), it’s a crowdsourcing service that allows you to find any person in any company. It gives you their contact information in the form of work phone number, email, title, and mailing address. This opens up new possibilities to prospecting. Finding exactly the right person at the company you’re trying to get into is extremely helpful during the sales process.
From one of these, such sponsored dinners in NYC I met a like-minded individual named, John Shin, who had a similar need, he wanted to become a better sales guy. We talked about an idea that came to me after listening to veteran sales guy talk about his experience cold calling. We decided it would be in our best interest to try and get a bunch of sales people together to discuss topics that would help us all become better sales people.
The Jigsaw Rainmakers Roundtable event was born and we are holding our first event on January 18th. This event will be an open discussion about the topics of cold calling, prospecting, presenting and closing techniques. You can even add your own topic for our experts to discuss openly. Following this post will be all the details. Please come and join us. We will also have food and refreshments so come hungry.
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